共找到517条 "team什么意思"相关问题
What is the team ID
Hello, after the team has been created, a unique number will be generated. When the new employee sea ... 查看详情
General questions of team member invitation
Hello, invite members FAQ. How to release a friend relationship? How to add friends in DingTalk? Ho ... 查看详情
How do administrators quit the corporate team
Hello, regular members and sub-admins can quit the team/enterprise directly, but the super administr ... 查看详情
What if I accidentally quit the team?
Hello, if you accidentally quit the team and can't cancel the operation, you can only contact the ad ... 查看详情
How to quit the DingTalk team/enterprise?
Hello, if you need to withdraw from a DingTalk team/enterprise:1. [DingTalk Mobile APP]-[Contacts] - ... 查看详情
How to see the team member activation situation?
If you want to see activation and DingTalk usage in your team/organization: 1. Mobile client: admi ... 查看详情
您好,客户动态是您与客户的跟进互动过程中产生的销售活动记录,与钉钉的OA办公互联互通,比如拜访(签到)、跟进记录、日报、合同记录等,以信息流的形式存在于客户详情页,用于沉淀业务数据。 ... 查看详情
您好,钉盘后台有一个【无群主的群文件】模块。若群里面的成员都退出了此群,即群里无成员了,群里同步到钉盘的文件还是占用钉盘内存的,管理员可以在钉盘后台点击【清空】释放钉盘空间。 ... 查看详情
Can employees who have joined the team scan the code again to join the department?
Hello, if the employee already exists in the enterprise, scan the QR code of the department again ca ... 查看详情
您好,若使用钉钉时看到重要的ding消息,可以钉住,方便后续查看,目前仅支持手机端,PC端暂不支持;1、在DING消息界面,进入某一具体DING消息,即可点击右上角【钉子图标】开启或取消钉住;2、在D ... 查看详情

