共找到536条 "team代表什么意思"相关问题
What is the team ID
Hello, after the team has been created, a unique number will be generated. When the new employee sea ... 查看详情
General questions of team member invitation
Hello, invite members FAQ. How to release a friend relationship? How to add friends in DingTalk? Ho ... 查看详情
您好,打卡页面显示的颜色分为以下情况:蓝色代表正常卡:橙色代表迟到卡:绿色代表外勤卡:温馨提示:可根据图标里显示的状态判定打卡的状态哦。 ... 查看详情
How do administrators quit the corporate team
Hello, regular members and sub-admins can quit the team/enterprise directly, but the super administr ... 查看详情
What if I accidentally quit the team?
Hello, if you accidentally quit the team and can't cancel the operation, you can only contact the ad ... 查看详情
How do I turn on team invitation confirmation?
Hello, add people into the team can set privacy protection, it can be set in [DingTalk Mobile APP] - ... 查看详情
How to quit the DingTalk team/enterprise?
Hello, if you need to withdraw from a DingTalk team/enterprise:1. [DingTalk Mobile APP]-[Contacts] - ... 查看详情
How to see the team member activation situation?
If you want to see activation and DingTalk usage in your team/organization: 1. Mobile client: admi ... 查看详情
您好,钉钉不支持设置课代表哦~ ... 查看详情
您好,代表的含义如下:等于条件:被关联审批单里的某控件内容 等于当前发起审批单某控件内容;举例:被关联表单里的单行输入框输入的文本为:这是一段文本,当前发起审批单里的单行输入框输入的文本为:这是一段文 ... 查看详情

